
Dino Tomassetti – Checklist Before Applying For Planning Permission

If you plan to build a new structure, an extension or anything else on your land then the first step that you will have to go through once you have designs, is to apply for planning permission. This is an application which you make to the local authorities in order to see if they will be able to give you the permission that you are looking for, to build what you are seeking to construct. Now in most cases an architect should be attuned to this, and design the structure taking local housing regulations and building laws into consideration, as expert Dino Tomassetti tells us however, this is not always the case.

The reality is that you will be better off doing some checks on your designs before sending them off for approval and here are some key things which you should check for.


There are a great amount of laws in place which aim to protect and conserve the natural landscape, and this is going to be important with regards to your designs. If you have to remove any trees or hedges, if you have to interrupt the natural rhythm of the surrounding area then you may find that permission is denied. You cannot negatively impact the local ecosystem.

Checking Neighbors

One of the most common reasons for planning permission to be denied is that it infringes on the privacy of a neighbor. This means that if your structure is going to block their view, block sunlight that they have entering into their home or invade their privacy, then you will have your permission refused. It is essential that the designs which you have do not in any way, shape or form, encroach on the freedoms of your neighbors.

Hazardous Materials

It is crucial that you have the materials that will be used in the build listed on your application. The reason as to why this needs to be done is that there is a big number of hazardous materials which are not allowed to be used in the construction of a property. Some of these are completely outlawed yet there are others which are only allowed under certain conditions. If you have planned to use these and you are not supposed to then you cannot expect to be given the permission to build.


There are many older buildings which can only be worked on if it is done in the same style and with the same characteristics as the original build. If you live in a protected or listed property then this is going to make getting planning permission incredibly difficult for you. Before you even spend any money on design, it is absolutely essential that you have a full understanding as to what you can and what you cannot do with your building.

These are the key things to check before you decide to apply for planning permission for an extension, rebuild or an additional structure.

Rachael is a content writer at sendkoala.com, who has written on a Ultimate Resume Guide, from colored diamonds to SEO software. In her spare time, she enjoys singing, sketching, cooking, and video games.
