Roger Wolfson – New Year Resolutions? Tips on Sticking To Them

Last year i was absolutely determined that I would stick to me New Year’s resolutions, something which I don’t think I had ever managed to do before. And so I decided that first I would do some research on how bets to go about it and thanks to a brilliant video from lifestyle coach Roger Wolfson, I managed to do exactly what I set out to achieve. I lost half a stone in weight and kept it off, I began playing guitar and I and still practicing and I began volunteering at a local school. Given that the time of year is once again upon us, here is what I would suggest you do with those resolutions, to ensure that you stay on top of them.
Small Amount
Far too often people use this as a chance to right all of the wrongs which have happened in their lives, the reality however is that doing this means you will not achieve much. The best way to achieve what you are looking to is to set a small number of resolutions, no more than 3, and then you can give them your maximum focus.
Tell The World
Keeping these to yourself means that it is quite easy for you to cheat and nobody will be any the wiser. For this reason you should look to welcome some positive peer pressure into your life and let people know what it is that you are trying to achieve. This is not going to be a massive life changer but having someone asking you how things are going, when you feel like cheating, can be enough to keep you on the straight and narrow.
Map It Out
Something which I was guilty of in the past was to dedicate myself to a certain resolution without actually mapping out how I was going to go about it. This was something that only helped me to get a bit lost and having a lot of desire but not much idea as to where to put the energy. For example don’t just say that you wish to lose weight, make a mission based on how much you want to lose and how you plan to go about it. In doing this you are going to find it much easier to stick to your plan and to reach your goal.
Do Something Good
The easiest of my resolutions to stick to was helping out in the local school. The reason for this is that once you start volunteering you are emotionally invested into that. There is then a real battle with your conscience and in reality the thought of not going never occurred to me. With this being said however I noticed that because I was able to stick to one resolution, it gave me more confidence in sticking to the others. And so this is why I would say that doing something good is a great way to kickstart your resolutions.
Make this year the year where you stick to the resolutions.