TipsVolunteer Guide

Volunteer Service Projects? Throw A Birthday Party

We often get asked here at Volunteer Guide for ideas as to how you may be able to help a young individual who is unwell, bed ridden or who perhaps has learning disabilities. First of all to any of you out there who give up your time to help and look after these kind of people then we give you a huge applause for being such a superstar!

Now in terms of things that you can do for them, beyond simply helping them with small tasks and activities during the day, a special event is one of the best opportunities which you can use to help them out, and throwing a birthday party is the ultimate way to put a smile on their face.


In the case of so many of these young boys and girls, they really crave normality more than anything else, something which of course is difficult for them depending on their situation. A birthday party, whilst it is still treating them in a special way, is special for every young person, not just those with illnesses or problems, and not just for those without. This will really help them to feel like all of the other people their age.


There are so many situations which are difficult and that is why having a day, or at least a few hours of pure unbridled fun is just the best way to allow everyone to relax and let their hair down a bit.


We had a reader write into us recently who had been volunteering helping a young girl with severe autism and she spoke glowingly about how they would arrange the birthday parties and what they meant to her young friend. Unfortunately when life throws challenging things your way, the only memories that you end up with is of beds, hospitals and helpers. The reader went on to speak about how her friend had the most amazing memories of her birthday parties and they became her happy place whenever she was having a hard time. We may take a birthday party for granted but for some it is a very special event indeed.


Ultimately this is a day where you can bring in some happiness to a young person’s life, you can switch the attention that they get to help them move around or carry out tasks and instead lavish attention on them because it is their very own special day. This is a chance to shower them with happiness and love and in creating a great birthday event for them you will be able to put a smile on their face, which for some really does mean the world.

You can arrange a birthday party without going crazy in terms of what you spend, just concentrate on making it joyful and full of people who all want the same thing on this very special day. Put the thought in and everything will go smoothly.
