
FirefightersNorth AmericaVolunteer GuideVolunteeringWork

Firefighter Hat

A firefighter hat craft video has amazed over 26 million viewers and shows the growing popularity of educational activities. Parents ...
FirefightersNorth AmericaTipsWork

Gap Set Force

The Gap Set Force method has been the life-blood of firefighting operations for more than 30 years. It has proven ...
FirefightersInspirationNorth AmericaVolunteeringWork

Is Firefighting Blue Collar

Firefighters make a median salary of $50,700 per year, which puts them right in the traditional blue-collar wage range. Their ...
FirefightersNorth AmericaTipsWork

Fun Firefighter Training Ideas

Fire departments nationwide face a most important challenge – training complacency that affects their emergency response readiness. Regular drills play ...
FirefightersNorth AmericaVolunteer GuideVolunteeringWork

How Heavy is Firefighter Gear

Firefighters must carry between 45 to 75 pounds of protective gear each time they respond to an emergency. The base ...
FirefightersInspirationNorth America

Firefighter Endorsement DMV Meaning

Driving a fire truck demands more than simple driving skills. A firefighter endorsement from the DMV is a vital requirement ...
FirefightersInspirationNorth AmericaTipsWork

Firefighter Schedule

Firefighters work an extraordinary 56 hours weekly, with their schedule split into intense 24-hour shifts. Most professionals follow a standard ...
FirefightersInspirationNorth AmericaTipsVolunteer Guide

Firefighter Workout

Firefighters just need exceptional levels of strength, endurance, and mobility. They often use all these attributes during a single emergency ...
FirefightersInspirationNorth AmericaTipsVolunteeringWork

How to Become a Firefighter in California

A California firefighter’s job extends far beyond putting out fires. Medical services make up more than 70% of emergency calls, ...
FirefightersNorth AmericaVolunteer GuideVolunteeringWork

Firefighter Schedule

A staggering 94% of fire departments in the United States face a schedule crisis that pushes their firefighters to the ...