Products to Gift: Donate Toys

Every knows that you can donate money to charities or give clothes to the local charity store but many of you get in touch with us about other items that you are not sure what to do with. A lot of you will ask questions about toys which your children are finished with, which can still be used and played with.
The truth is that these toys can have a significant impact on a child’s life, and that is why donating toys is going to be something which genuinely makes a difference to people’s lives. You can donate toys to a local school, orphanage, hospital or charity.
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Older children without toys are more likely to be involved in fighting or other negative behaviors. On the other hand, when a neglected child receives a game or toy donation, he can develop necessary social skills, such as sharing. We may see toys as being whimsical items to pass the time but the truth is that there is a great deal more to children playing with toys than we realize. The impact on their growth and development is huge which is why donating a toy is about far more than simply giving someone a play thing.
There are over 29 million needy children in the U.S. who live in low income families, according to the National Center for Children in Poverty. These children have little inspiration for the imaginative, fulfilled lives that all children deserve. When you donate a toy to a needy child, you provide a positive outlet for the child’s energy and creativity. This is something to bear in mind when it comes to donating toys, the image of a child who perhaps wouldn’t have access to such a creative outlet otherwise, with a beaming smile on their faces.
Health Conditions
Needy children with chronic health conditions are at especially high risk. Days spent in hospitals and clinics can be long and lonely. Often, the environment is boring and bleak. Tests and sometimes painful treatments occupy their days and this is a never ending cycle for so many of those young girls and boys who just want to get better and be like ‘normal kids’ . Your donation of art supplies, stuffed animals or board games can brighten an impersonal room or provide entertainment for these children, putting a smile back on their faces.
It is such a sad situation when people think that their old products are no good and so they dispose of them. In doing this we are only increasing the waste which sits in landfill, increasing the energy which is used to process waste and of course there is the danger of noxious gases in the air caused by the wastage process of plastic.
If you have children or perhaps even your kids have grown up, and you have toys around which are no longer needed, then you should look at donating them and giving the toys a new lease of life, and put a smile on someone’s face.