Hotshot Firefighter Salary
Hotshot firefighters earn between $52,552 and $87,483 per year, which stands out among public service roles. These elite firefighters receive ...
Steve Buscemi Firefighter
Steve Buscemi, the Hollywood actor and former firefighter, quietly went back to his old job during the tragic events of ...
How Heavy is a Fire Truck
A standard passenger car weighs about 3,000 pounds. Fire trucks, however, can weigh 10 to 20 times more than regular ...
Fire Engine vs Fire Truck
Fire fighting vehicles have evolved dramatically over the past four centuries. They started as simple human-propelled water pumps and transformed ...
Reach Volunteering
Reach Volunteering leads the UK’s skills-based volunteering sector by connecting skilled professionals with worthy causes nationwide. The platform adds 180 ...
Firefighter Hat
A firefighter hat craft video has amazed over 26 million viewers and shows the growing popularity of educational activities. Parents ...
Is Firefighting Blue Collar
Firefighters make a median salary of $50,700 per year, which puts them right in the traditional blue-collar wage range. Their ...
How Heavy is Firefighter Gear
Firefighters must carry between 45 to 75 pounds of protective gear each time they respond to an emergency. The base ...
How to Become a Firefighter in California
A California firefighter’s job extends far beyond putting out fires. Medical services make up more than 70% of emergency calls, ...
Firefighter Schedule
A staggering 94% of fire departments in the United States face a schedule crisis that pushes their firefighters to the ...